0116 2394927 and 07545 055372

Why rent from us?

It's a good question.

Renting a house - Simple and straightforward right?
Over the past 10 years the rental market has changed significantly with landlords, not set up for professional management, falling short of expectations. Even many Letting Agents are struggling.

Because we specialise in renting to longer term tenants it's very important to both you and us that you are fully aware of what's involved before renting one of our homes. There are other options out there that may be more suitable for you and its important to know where you are before committing yourself.

We believe that, as landlords, we have certain standards to uphold. As tenants, you also have some responsibility that is worth noting.

  • We are happy to accept most pets and for you to decorate. If you do move out we need the decoration to be returned to how it was originally.
  • The first 6 months will be a trial period before moving onto long term, after which you will have a visit every 6-12 months. These regular visits are mostly for insurance purposes to check the house is being used properly.
  • We expect smaller maintenance issues to be resolved by you as a longer term tenant. In addition, we also expect our tenants to maintain gardens appropriately.
  • Anything that needs professional attention will be managed by us. We always try to get local quotes and appreciate your cooperation with this. Sometimes, two or three quotes are needed and contractors can take time providing these.

Our offices are in Leicestershire which may not be near to you. Therefore, great communication is essential. Remember, we are in a way, your long term partners. There may be occasions where issues will arise and the best way to deal with any issue is communicate with us at which time we will do our upmost to help you. As long as we can talk we can work through problems. Putting heads in the sand only make things worse. Talk to us.

Above all we want you to have a great experience with us where you feel comfortable in the knowledge you are safe long term.
We aim to have zero admin costs for you, keep rent increases to a minimum and to create a great long term relationship with you.
